Eddie Resende

Eddie Resende


Eddie has worked at WTCI since 2007. He has served in various leadership roles, including chief operating officer. His passion for international business and affairs, coupled with a desire to develop the next generation of global leaders, has contributed to the success of many of WTCI’s professional development programs.

A Conversation With a Master Negotiator
A Conversation With a Master Negotiator

By Jeff Cochran   August 27, 2024   whitepaper Whitepaper podcast Podcast article Article video Video

Leadership doesn't come naturally. It's a muscle that needs to be flexed over and over. Jeff Cochran with Shapiro Negotiations Institute knows that better than most. He's regularly brought in to help leaders practice negotiation and learn what it takes to succeed without having others feel like they're failing.

Lifelong Lessons in Leadership
Lifelong Lessons in Leadership

By Eddie Resende   August 30, 2023   whitepaper Whitepaper podcast Podcast article Article video Video

Every once in a while, if you’re lucky, you meet a person who will change your life forever, and only for the better. Dr. James Albrecht is one of those people for me. Here are 10 life lessons I've learned from Jim.

Supporting Maryland's Innovation Ecosystem
Supporting Maryland's Innovation Ecosystem

By Eddie Resende   August 10, 2023   whitepaper Whitepaper podcast Podcast article Article video Video

WTCI CEO Eddie Resende discusses everything from the Maryland Innovation Lab and the power of WTCI's fellowships to chocolate chip cookies.

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