Sustainability | Leadership

Protecting the World's Water Supply - Part 4: Water Risk and the Power of Action

  80 Minutes   |     February 9, 2023

Water has long been treated as an abundant resource and a secure asset for businesses. What would be the impact if your water resource was depleted? How would it impact your business and its viability? What is the potential when corporate leaders decide to be a force for good and a force for growth? At this final session of the AGILE Water Series, water experts will discuss the power of action and the current traction in corporate board rooms on understanding the risk profile of water in the business. We will hear from leading organizations on inspiring progress in the private sector, private and public partnerships, and collaborations that are driving awareness, action, and results.)

Andrea Erickson-Quiroz
Managing Director of Water Security at The Nature Conservancy
Naabia Ofosu-Amaah
Senior Corporate Engagement Advisor of Global Water at The Nature Conservancy
Shannon Quinn
Global Water Stewardship Leader at Procter & Gamble
Jonathan Radtke
Water Resource Sustainability Director at Coca-Cola
Bruce McIndoe
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